Paul Eluard said: "There is most certainly another world but it is in this one". I am convinced that behind this realism, there is a  surrealism, a poetic and secret lecture of the experience, of the reality. I try to be sensitive to what is written in filigram behind the anecdotes, what is outside the frame, between and behind the encounters and their poetic correlations and what lays in this space between us . 

I am a New York based photographer and filmmaker originally from the Southwest of France. In 10th grade, already fascinated by seizing dramatic moments and intense emotions, I got in trouble for taking pictures of my friend during an exam . (I still believe I was already finished with my own test though). Picture here.

Ever since 1990, when I got my first photo assignment at the age of 18 for a dance company, I have kept this ball rolling.

After a Masters in Psycho-Sociology, I landed in New York City in 1994. I currently live in Brooklyn and dedicate myself to portraiture in photography, video, and film.

 I am also really  interested by the uniqueness and the unrepeatable nature of each encounters with my "subjects" and how this will shape and contextualize my creative choices .

Beside being a dad of a wonderful teenager, I mostly enjoy reading, strolling and silence.

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